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Laws and History of the New Forest (page 1/2)


Frontispiece and map of the New Forest, taken from a book called Historical Inquiries concerning Forests and Forest Laws, with Topographical Remarks, upon the Ancient and Modern State of The New Forest, in The County of Southampton by Percival Lewis in 1811.

The book does not have any other illustrations of general interest, but the text is fascinating.

Title: Laws and History of the New Forest

Author: Lewis, Percival Esq., F.A.S.

City: London

Date: 1811

Total items: 4

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Map of the New Forest and Adjacent Country]

Map of the New Forest and Adjacent Country

Map of the New Forest and surrounding area, published in 1811; it shows Christchurch Bay and the Southampton River to the South, Titchfield and Owselbury to the East, Christchurch and Cranborne to the West, going up to the edge of Salisbuty Plain and Standlinch in the North. The map is [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Frontispiece]


At the edge of a clearing in the forest stands a tall tree; a knight’s sword, shield and stirrup hang from the tree, and two hunting dogs are tied to it. A richly dressed man stands talking to a wood-cutter who holds his axe next to a chopped tree-trunk. In [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Title page and Frontispiece (Laws of the New Forest)]

Title page and Frontispiece (Laws of the New Forest)

A snapshot I took showing the book open at the title page and frontispiece. [$]

[picture: Title Page (Laws... of the New Forest)]

Title Page (Laws... of the New Forest)

Historical Inquiries / concerning / Forests and Forest Laws, / with / Topographical Remarks, / upon the / Ancient and Modern State / of / The New Forest, / in / The [more...] [$]

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animals books christmas colour forests maps page images people pictures of books title pages trees water weapons

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