The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci

edited by Jean Paul Richter, 1880.


I Prolegomena and General Introduction to the Book on Painting.
II Linear Perspective.
III Six books on Light and Shade.
IV Perspective of Disappearance.
V Theory of colours.
VI ’Prospettiva de’ colri’ (Perspective of Colour)
VII On the Proportions and on the Movements of the Human Figure.
VIII Botany for Painters and Elements of Landscape Painting.
X Studies and Sketches for Pictures and Decorations.
XI The notes on Sculpture.
XII Architectural Designs.
XIII Theoretical writings on Architecture.
XIV Anatomy, Zoology and Physiology.
XVI Physical Geography.
XVII Topographical Notes.
XVIII Naval Warfare.--Mechanical Appliances.--Music.
XIX Philosophical Maxims. Morals. Polemics and Speculations.
XX Humorous Writings.
XXI Letters. Personal Records. Dated Notes.
XXII Miscellaneous Notes.