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Images and some text extracts from South by East: Notes of Travel in Southern Europe by G. F. Rodwell (Marcus Ward, London, 1877).
There’s a copy on Google Books although the images here are much higher quality.
Title: South by East: Notes of Travel in Southern Europe
Published by: Marcus Ward & Co.
City: London
Date: 1877
Total items: 19
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Frontispiece: Cathedral o Messina
This engraving was published in 1877; since then, the cathedral was damaged in an earthquake in 1919 and mostly rebuilt, only to be bombed in the Second World War and again partly rebuilt. [more...] [$]
Decorative chapter head with styilized birds and green men
A decorative woodcut used above a chapter title at the start of the book. The image is a “foliate border” because it contains vines and leaves, but there are also two bird heads and two heads [more...] [$]
Title Page, South by South East
The title page uses at least three typefaces in a range of sizes, and includes an emblem for Marcus Ward, the publishers. [more...] [$]
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