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Some diagrams and illustrations taken from A Textbook on Ornamental Design published by International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, PA., USA, 1901.
There are two volumes; there was originally also a portfolio of images, which is not present in my copies of the books.
Title: A Textbook on Ornamental Design
Published by: International Correspondence Schools
City: Scranton, PA.
Date: 1901
Total items: 11
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
“13. Inking.—For drawing ink lines other than arcs of circles, the ruling pen (or right-line pen, as it is sometimes called) is used. Its should be held as nearly perpendicular to the board as possible, with the hand in the position shown in Figs. 15 and 16, bearing lightly against the T square or triangle, along the edge of which the line is drawn. After a little more practice, this position will become more natural, and no difficulty will be experienced.” (pp. 11 – 12) [more...] [$]
Dividers are like compasses but with two sharp points, and can be used for measuring distances. [$]
The front cover of “Ornamental Design” is not itself very ornamented. [$]
For drawing circles with. [$]
“13. Inking.—For drawing ink lines other than arcs of circles, the ruling pen (or right-line pen, as it is sometimes called) is used. Its should be held as nearly perpendicular to the board as possible, with the hand in the position shown in Figs. 15 and 16, bearing lightly against the T square or triangle, along the edge of which the line is drawn. After a little more practice, this position will become more natural, and no difficulty will be experienced.” (pp. 11 – 12) [more...] [$]
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