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Pictures from Victor Hugo st Son Temps (Victor Hugo, his life and times) by Alfred Barbou (1846 – 1907), Paris, 1881.
Title: Victor Hugo et Son Temps [Victor Hugo and His Times]
Published by: Eugène Hugues
City: Paris
Date: 1881
Total items: 11
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Initial letter D with hiker in forest
This “vignetted” decorative initial features a person with a hat, a satchel, a walking stick, stepping over the initial letter and out of a path in a forest or deep woods. [more...] [$]
Tailpiece ornament - Harp with oak leaves and mistletoe
This woodcut was used as decoration to mark the end of a chapter; it features oak branches, with leaves and acorns in their cups, and also misteltoe branches with leaves and the white berries, a harp with seven strings, and, [...] [more...] [$]
La Loi: Le faible trouve sa force dans la loi qui le protège
The title means, The Law: The weak find strength in the law that protects them. [more...] [$]
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