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The Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence. (Royal MSS.)details

[Picture: The Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence. (Royal MSS.)]
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The Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence. (Royal MSS.)

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Two men are wearing 1480s costume are in dialogue; one appears angered and the other remonstrates. They are dukes, and are about to duke it out. The man on the left has a full-length robe or gown and a staff; he has shoulder-length wavy hair and a round cap with a turn-up brim. The other man has a feather in his cap, similar hair, a shirt with fur at the hem and sleeve (which dangles uselessly like a fashion statement). His shirt is gathered in tightly at the waist. His tights or hose go from his bottom down to his feet, and he wears long pointy shoes or slippers. It’s all very silly, but what would you expect for 1480?


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