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Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdamdetails

[Picture: Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam]
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Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam

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Desiderius Erasmus (1467–1509) was one of the important figures of the Reformation in Europe; the artist and engraver are not credited.

The picture of Erasmus shows him wearing a hat and a fur coat. We see only his head and his shoulders and he is looking to our left.

Erasmus of Rotterdam was born in 1467. amd. being left an orphan at an early age, was placed by his guardians in a convent of canons regular, but he did not assume the final and more extreme vows.


Erasmus was not, in the religions sense of the word, a Reformer; but he prepared teh way for others. Not only did he diffuse over his age a love of learning, and a spirit of inquiry and examination that led others much farther than he went himself; but still more, under the protection of great prelates and powerful princes, he was able to unveil and combat the vices of the Church by the most cutting satires.

This fair little man, whose half-closed blue eyes keenly observed all that was passing; on whose lips was ever a slight sarcastic smile; whose manner was timid and embarassed; and who looked as if a puff of wind would blow him down, scattered in every direction his elegant and biting sarcasms against the theology and devotion of his age.

His natural character and the events of his life had rendered this disposition habitual. Even in those writings where we should have least expected it, his sarcastic humour suddenly breaks out, and he immolates, as with needle points, thpse schoolmen and those ignorant monks against whom he had declared war.

(p. 313)



70 x 77mm (2.8 x 3.0 inches)

Place shown:



Scanner dpi:

2314 dots per inch (approximately)



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