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Costumes 1550 – 1580.details

[Picture: Costumes 1550 – 1580.]
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Costumes 1550 – 1580.

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A coloured print from 1878, showing how people dressed in the second half of the sixteenth century. From left to right we have:

a nobleman in a short-sleeved dark green fur-lined coat over a red shirt with ermine cuffs, a yelow hat and pointy shoes, a very noble man indeed.

A man in “military habit” with a broad-brimmed hat setat a cocky angle, a plate-mail top, and the pantaloons from the 1500s that probably hide full nappies [daipers] and a pet dog.

A woman in a pink dress and a man with a blue coat, red trousers or hose and a sword with a yellow hilt, the couple being labeled “middle class.”

A pair of “noble ladies” in long and rather impractical dresses and with lace ruffs round their necks (everyone in the picture has a lace ruff, even the “soldier”);

Finally, in a bright blue dressing-gown and with white socks and lemon slippers, and a red shirt matching a red-and-yellow hat, comes the “London Merchant” with his beard and somewhat flushed face.

Note: the size given, as always, is approximate, and is the size of the image, without the caption, even though that was clearly engraved onto the same plate; I have not attempted to guess the size of the block or plate.



204 x 138mm (8.0 x 5.4 inches)

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1400 dots per inch



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