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Cavalier Costumes, Time of Charles II. A.D. 1670.details

[Picture: Cavalier Costumes, Time of Charles II. A.D. 1670.]
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Cavalier Costumes, Time of Charles II. A.D. 1670.

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The coloured engraving shows four adults in a room decorated with pictures in ornate frames and wallpaper; the room has pillars leading to an entrance with a view.

The people in the view are, from left to right, as follows.

A woman, seated, wearing a yellow dress that reaches to the ground, and holding perhaps some sheet music; her right arm is ectended and her hand restson the keyboard of a musical instrument next to her, perhaps a harpsichord.

A standing man with a wide-brimmed feathered hat, a goatee beard, ared and gold jacket and blue breeches reaching down to tall boots;

A woman standing next to him holding a large feather, perhaps a fan; she seems to be wearing a wig although it might be intended to be a cap or bonnet; then over her shoulders a cape or shawl, and a purple blouse; her dress is red and long with dolg stripes around the bottom, open in the front to reveal an inner skirt of white.

Finally, a man seated on a green velvet chair and with no hat has long loose hair down to his shoulders, a goatee, and a large lace collar round his neck over a purple outfit down to long white stockings and shoes with red buckles. He plays a stringed instrument, perhaps a lute.

This is probably a chromolithograph.


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