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Cloisters in Santa Scholastica, Subiacodetails

[Picture: Cloisters in Santa Scholastica, Subiaco]
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Image title:

Cloisters in Santa Scholastica, Subiaco

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One of the three cloisters in this Benedictine monastery; it was built by Abbot Lando in 1235, and is decorated on the vault with mosaic work by the Cosmati. See page 36 and interleaf, page 82.

Page 82 is a picture of the exterior of the monastery; page 36 has:

In the twelfth century the art of marble working underwent a temporary revival under the influence of a talented family of artists, the Cosmati; and a good deal of their work and that of their school is still to be found in Rome, the carved marble and an inlay of mosaic upon marble being easily recognisable in the decoration of the cloisters of the lateran and of S. Paul’s outside the walls, upone ambones, cabdelabra, and tombs scattered throughout the churches. (p. 36)


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