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Eagle Tower, Caernarfondetails

[Picture: Eagle Tower, Caernarfon]
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Image title:

Eagle Tower, Caernarfon

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Der Adlerturm von Schloss Carnarvon Wales

This engraving, very much in the stype of a pencil or charcoal sketch, shows one corner of Caernarfon Castle in Wales, the Eagle Tower, with its crenellated battlements, three smaller turrets at the top surrounded by birds. You can just make out the stone eagles sitting on top of the battlements. To the right of the picture is the harbour, with rigging of boats in the background.

The castle was started in A.D. 1283.

Note: alternate spellings include Carnarvon and Caernavon.


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Scanner dpi:

2314 dots per inch (approximately)



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