Some scanned borders and other images from «Im Wechsel Der Tage» [In the change of our days] by Adolf Brennecke, circa 1885. I bought this book at Antikvariát Dlážděná, a bookshop with low prices (or so it seemed to me) and exceptionally helpful staff, conveniently located in Prague. If you happen to be in Prague. Not too far from the railway station.
Quarto, 184pp, many illustrations.
In the change of days. Our seasons of jewelry, art and poetry. A selection from the works of our best patriotic poet. With numerous woodcuts of drawings outstanding artist and photogravures after the originals of FA Kaulbach, C. Niczky, Th. von der Beek and R. Epp.
Title: Im Wechsel Der Tage
Published by: Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn.
City: Leipzig
Date: 1885
Total items: 25
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
The thoughts of my spirit seek you
A man sits on a rustic fence at the edge of a lake, fishing. His boat is tethered next to him. In the distance the sun sinks beneath a horizon with mountains and a forest. It’s a black-and-white sunset. [more...]
[$]Vicorian room used as a border
This border is made by drawing a white rectangle over the picture of the girl sitting reading a book indoors in summer and also copying the outer border of the image to the sides of the white rectangle. I also cloned out the corner of the chair and the girl’s dress. Obviously you could replace the text here! [more...]
[$]In the foreground a smartly-dressed young man is entreating a beautiful woman who wears an elaborate dress and bonnet. The couple is seated on a carved stone bench in a thick forest of mature trees; in the background a carved stone cherub or cupid is watching, representing romance. The lady has her eyes demurely closed [...] [more...]
[$]Some scanned borders and other images from «Im Wechsel Der Tage» [In the change of our days] by Adolf Brennecke, circa 1885. I bought this book at Antikvariát Dlážděná, a bookshop with low prices (or so it seemed to me) and exceptionally helpful staff, conveniently located in Prague. If you happen to be in Prague. Not too far from the railway station.
Quarto, 184pp, many illustrations.
In the change of days. Our seasons of jewelry, art and poetry. A selection from the works of our best patriotic poet. With numerous woodcuts of drawings outstanding artist and photogravures after the originals of FA Kaulbach, C. Niczky, Th. von der Beek and R. Epp.
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