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Letters & Lettering: A Treatise With 200 Examples (page 8/8)

[picture: Front Cover, Letters and Lettering]

Images from Letters & Lettering: A Treatise With 200 Examples by Frank Chouteau Brown, Boston, 1921.

A note printed immediately after the title and impressions pages starts out, “This book is intended for those who have felt the need of a varied collection of alphabets of standard forms, arranged for convenient use.”

Frank Chouteay Brown was an architect based in Boston; this book, Letters and Lettering, was for many American architects and designers their first introduction to Roman monumental capital letters. The book had five editions, of which the first was in 1902.

Title: Letters & Lettering: A Treatise With 200 Examples

Author: Brown, Frank Chouteau

City: Boston

Date: 1921

Total items: 76

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Calligraphic letter ``L'' in 15th century gothic style]
[picture: Calligraphic letter ``U'' in 15th century gothic style]
[picture: Calligraphic letter ``V'' in 15th century gothic style]
[picture: Calligraphic letter ``X'' in 15th century gothic style]
[picture: Calligraphic letter ``Y'' in 15th century gothic style]

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