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Fantasy Romantic Border with Eros, Cherubs and Mermaidsdetails

[Picture: Fantasy Romantic Border with Eros, Cherubs and Mermaids]
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Fantasy Romantic Border with Eros, Cherubs and Mermaids

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This ornate rococo border surrounded the title of a 1516 book printed in Germany:

Sassenspegel: mit velen nyen Addicien san dem Leenrechte vnde Richtstige; Ad lectorem Saphicum cum Gliconico, Saxonum dicor speculum, legenti Leges, iuraque tribuo. Saxonum lingua loquor, ipse Saxo Per me iura leget sua.

I made a separate image for the Eros or cherub with bow in the top right corner.

There are cherubs riding dragons and sea-dragons and waving cheerfully and maybe I see a sphinx on the right.


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Buy from: alamy.com

Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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