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La Civilizacion 3 (page 1/2)


Pictures from volume 3 of La Civilizacion en sus manifesticiones artísticas, científicas y literarias en todo el mundo, desde los tiempos más remotos hasta nuestros días, which in English is, Civilization in its artistic manifestations, scientific and literary works around the world, from the most remote times to the present day, by Dom Pelegrín Casabó y Pagés (1831–?); Barcelona, Mir, Tarradas, Comas y CA—Editores, 7, Plaza de la Universidad, 7 (1881).

I bought this at a bookshop in Seville (Feria 26), Libreria Baena.

Title: La Civilizacion 3

Author: Casabó Y Pagés, Pelegrín

City: Barcelona

Date: 1881

Total items: 5

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Slaves for the Harem]

Slaves for the Harem

Cautivas Para El Harem

Captives for the Harem.

This picture shows two young women with their wrists bound being forced to walk alongside a man with beard and headdress (perhaps a turban) who is riding a horse; there are spears [more...] [$]

[picture: Crusaders conquor Jerusalem]

Crusaders conquor Jerusalem

A knight in ring-mail holds the Crusaders’ flag aloft on the top of a castle wall. He points a sword at some defending bowmen just as another knight, climing a [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Murder in the Castle]

Murder in the Castle

This engraving (i think) actually shows the discovery of the body of the Roman emperor Nero just after he had killed himself, but i am far from certain; the men’s swords are drawn. [more...] [$]

[picture: Medieval Customs]

Medieval Customs

costumbres de la media. [more...] [$]

[picture: Crusader King]

Crusader King

The man in this engraving is wearing chain mail and a crown; a large cross on his chest suggests he is on a Crusade; he has a large shield with the same device, [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

accusation armour banners battements battles beards bows boys captovoty castles colour crosses crusadors death discovery eunuchs fights flags helmets horses interiors jousting knights men middle ages people pillars ringmail shields sieges slavers slavery slaves soldiers soliders spears street scenes swords throne rooms turbans weapons women

Places shown:

Jerusalem ·Rome ·none ·unknown

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