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She was throwing his line herself.details

[Picture: She was throwing his line herself.]
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She was throwing his line herself.

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The picture accompanies the first chapter of Mr. Trench of Brasenose: The Romance of a Long Vacation by Mary L. Armitt.

But presently Lillie became aware that another “boy” was fishing in a pool close by her. She could not help, with covert glances, watching him play and bring to land the pretty silvery trout that had so foolishly taken the bait. And when he brought it to show her, as if he supposed her interested, he stood and talked with an easy naturalness that could not affront. To be sure, she only vouchsafed him stiff little answers, but Lillie’s sweet voice and gentle looks did not succeed in giving a quenching effect to her words. And presently, before she quite knew what she was about, she had yielded to his suggestion, and was throwing his line herself, and laughing with girlish delight at her own false flings. However, when she came to think of it, she was vexed with herself, and thereupon declared that it was time to go home. But even this did not produce the desired effect; the young man simply said he would go back too, and proceeded to accompany her as a matter of course. (p. 39)



126 x 166mm (5.0 x 6.5 inches)

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2314 dots per inch (approximately)



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