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Magazine of Art Illustrated (page 1/4)

[picture: Front Cover]

Images from The Magazine of Art. Illustrated (c. 1878), published by Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., London, Paris and New York.

This was a monthly periodical, or magazine, that ran from 1878 to 1948; later volumes included colour plates. The volume that i have is listed as Volume 3 (Volume III) at

I have marked these images as being in the public domain, but I am actually not certain if this is correct in all cases. You have been warned!

Title: Magazine of Art Illustrated

Author: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.

Published by: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.

Date: 1878

Total items: 29

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: St. George and the Dragon]

St. George and the Dragon

An engraving showing a statue of St. George slaying the dragon, by J. E. Boehm, A.R.A. St. George is here depicted as an almost-naked man riding a horse, a Roman centurian wearing only sandals and a helmet, with a cape flowing about his shoulders and a spear [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Front Cover]

Front Cover

The front cover of the book is green and gold. [$]

[picture: Taufers]


Taufers is first mentioned in the year 1080, but not until the yeat 1149 does the family seem to have risen to any importance; but from then, until it does out in 1312, it was one [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Heraldic Dragon.]

Heraldic Dragon.

The dragon is, perhaps, the most venerable symbol employed in ornamental art. (p. 375) [more...] [$]

[picture: Colossal Bull]

Colossal Bull

By M. Cain. Grand Basin of the Trocadéro Palace.) [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

angels animals arches art bare feet boats book covers borders boys bulls butterflies carving castles cherubs children chimneys christmas clipart colour dragons farms fields flowers fountains frames gargoyles goats heads heraldry hills horror horses initials letterd lettere letterg letteri lettering lettert men mirrors montains music musical instruments mythical creatures nudity paintings people plants poor portraits poverty railways roads romance roofs rooftops ruins sculpture sculture sketches spooky statues storms street scenes thanksgiving towers transport trees turkeys victorian costumes views villages walls water weapons windows wings women workmen youth

Places shown:

Clovelly ·Devon ·England ·Ile-de-France ·London ·Paris ·Taufers ·Tyrol ·none

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