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Works, BL Harley MS 4431 (page 1/2)


Some images and initial letters taken from British Library Harley Manuscript 4431, which contains the works of Christine de Pizan (1365 – 1431?).

Christine de Pizan Her Web Site

Title: Works, BL Harley MS 4431

Author: Pizan, Christine de

Date: 1414

Total items: 6

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: calligraphy: mediaeval pen-letter ``A'']

calligraphy: mediaeval pen-letter “A”

A red letter “C” made with a calligraphy pen in the early fifteenth century. The roughness of the edges is partly from the texture of the writing surface, but it gives an “antique” look to the [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter ``Q'']

calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter “Q”

A richly decorated capital letter “Q” from an illuminated manuscript made in 1414. It is coloured in red and blue, with black outlines and gold leaf. It is [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: folio 4/recto, illumination, woman writing]

folio 4/recto, illumination, woman writing

A woman is writing in a book; perhaps she is a scribe, or a nun in a monastery. She is wearing mediaeval [more...] [$]

[picture: calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter ``A'']

calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter “A”

A richly decorated capital letter “A” from an illuminated manuscript made in 1414. It is coloured in red and blue, with black outlines and gold leaf. [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter ``P'']

calligraphy: mediaeval decorative letter “P”

A richly decorated capital letter “P” from an illuminated manuscript made in 1414. It is coloured in red and blue, with black outlines and gold leaf. It is from the verso (back side) of folio 4 of the book. The colours are highly [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

books calligraphy colour illumination initials lettera letterc letterh lettering letterp letterq people red writing

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