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On the Serpentinedetails

[Picture: On the Serpentine]
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Image title:

On the Serpentine

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A night-time Winter scene in Victorian London: it’s the Serpentine lake in Hyde Park, and it’s frozen over with ice. People are skatin, carrying burning torches to light their way; in the foreground a man sells roast chestnuts; someone is pushing a passenger on a sleigh, warmly wrapped with blankets; in the background is Serpentine Bridge.

And so we end, wishing all a happy Christmas, a merry Christmastide. And what need of any poets but our own full hearts, as again, yes once again, after so many times, we listen to the Christmas bells, telling of peace and goodwill. (p. 146)

The image is signed Kronheim & Co., London. Presumably that’s the firm that did the engraving and/or lithography.


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