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Title page and images from Universal Classic Manuscripts (volume II) by George F. Walker, M.A., assistant keeper of manuscripts at the British Museum, published by M. Walter Dunne in 1901.
This large book (I have both volumes) consists of fac-simile reproductions of famous people’s handwriting.
Title: Universal Classic Manuscripts Vol II
Published by: M. Walter Dunne
City: Washington and London
Date: 1901
Total items: 2
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Ornate and Pretentious Title Page
The title page of Universal Classic Manscripts is made to look like an alabaster funeral monument on the wall of a cathedral, with ornater fed and gold filigree work topped by a coat of arms of the UK with the lion and the unicorn as [...] [more...] [$]
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