The story of the ill-planned rising of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland has already been told. One of their associates was Leonard Dacre, who held the castle of Naworth, and gathered round him the ‘rank riders of the Borders.’ Elizabeth ordered him to be apprehended, and Lord Hundson set out from Berwick to join Lord Scroop at Carlisle, [...] the allegiance of the North for Queen Elizabeth, and dealt a decisive blow at the rebellion.” (p. 117) [more...]
[$][...] at the time of the Domesday survey [c.
Much Wenlock Abbey (Wenlock Priory)
A man stands smoking his pipe in the ruined arch of this ancient abbey. Sheep gaze on are much away at the grass growing in the ruins of the cloisters. The man is presumably a shepherd, although it’s not clear that his walking-stick [...] [more...]
[$]The engraving (signed Whymper) is of Edgar Tower, also known as St Mary’s Gate, an arched and defended stone tower guarding a gateway in the city wall. It was thought to have been build in the 10th Century by Edgar, but in fact is now believed to be slightly more recent (14th century). [...] [more...]
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