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Some of the many hundreds of engravings from Ridpath’s History of the World, Being an account of the principal events in the career of the human race from the beginnigs of civilization to the present time, New York, 1897.
There are four volumes; this is Volume II.
Title: Ridpath’s History of the World
Published by: Merril & Baker
City: New York
Date: 1897
Total items: 2
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Druids Offering Human Sacrifice
Drawn by A. de Neuville.
The picture is fanciful since the only surviving accounts of the druids of ancient times comes from the Romans who were fighting them, and who did not portray them in positive light.
We see a man with an oak-leaf crown holding a dagger in one outstretched hand, his arm and body tense; his other hand is poised, erhaps, to pull out the victim’s heart. To his left is a Druidess of dour and stern demeanour, and behind them, more bearded men. Between them, on his back, lies the youth about to [more...] [$]
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