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Some engravings from William Davison’s New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types, printed at Alnwick, Northumberland, in about 1840.
William Davison’s printing house was well-known for many years; he is also known for having corresponded with the famous engraver Thomas Bewick, and some of the engravings in the specimen book appear to be by Bewick and are marked with a B in the book.
The images do not have captions in the printed specimen book, just numbers.
Title: New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types
Published by: William Davison
City: Alnwick
Date: 1840
Total items: 29
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
A bearded man stands at an auctioneer’s bench, holding a gavel, with other people milling about beneath him. [$]
A man wearing jodhpurs, tall boots and a hat leads an unsaddled horse in a circle; he carries a whip. [$]
Two badly-drawn horses are neck-and-neck at the finish line in a horse-race, their jockeys brandishing whips. [$]
At one time people had different names for different sorts of carriage. This one is like a stage coach. It is enclosed, with a door, and windows either side of the door each bearing a star, and also with seats up on the outside. There are five people seated outside as well as the [...] [more...] [$]
Two (or maybe four?) horses are pulling this coach; the driver weilds a long horse-whip. [$]
Two dogs in the Scottish highlands, with a crofter’s cottage in the background. The dogs are border collies, I think: sheepdogs. [$]
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