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Some engravings from William Davison’s New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types, printed at Alnwick, Northumberland, in about 1840.
William Davison’s printing house was well-known for many years; he is also known for having corresponded with the famous engraver Thomas Bewick, and some of the engravings in the specimen book appear to be by Bewick and are marked with a B in the book.
The images do not have captions in the printed specimen book, just numbers.
Title: New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types
Published by: William Davison
City: Alnwick
Date: 1840
Total items: 29
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
This antique engraving of a swallowtail butterfly—the English swallowtail, sometimes called in America the Old World Swallowtail Butterfly, is attributed to Thomas Bewick. Notice how the engraving becomes speckled with white towards the left, creating a graduated shading effect and helping the butterfly appear three-dimensional; a high resolution [...] [more...] [$]
885.—Tightrope artist with table and candles and dwarf.
On a styilized stage a woman sits on a tightrope with a three-legged table holding two lit candles and other items; she is holding two cups and perhaps will juggle. She wears a feather i her cap and is smiling. Beneath her a man, perhaps a dwarf, holds a large hat is if to catch something dropped, and there is also a wooden chair on the stage. The man [...] [more...] [$]
888.—Octagonal Border with starbursts.
A vintage border that would look well with Christmas or holiday items. [$]
This image was almost certainly made to have text inserted in the central black rectangle. If you do this, you should probably first fill the rectangle with solid black.
The picture shows a line of soldiers, in an eighteenth-century style of uniform including a diagonal sash across the chest and a sword, marching down a hill from a castle. In the [more...] [$]
892.—Oval Frame With Leafy Branches
This oval frame has two different kinds of branch, with leaves, on either side, and a ribbon on the top. [more...] [$]
893.—Border with Freemasonry Symbols.
This border, frame, or cartouche, was on an engraved block for sale in the 1800s; it shows the sun and moon, an eye with rays coming out of it (Illuminati?), the [more...] [$]
894.—Full-page border with laurel-leaf frame
This rectangular full-page border contains an inner oval frame or cartouche made from laurel leaves, used to symbolize victory. [more...] [$]
894b.—Full-page border with green laurel leaves.
This rectangular full-page border contains an inner oval frame or cartouche made from laurel leaves, used to symbolize victory. In this version I have coloured the laurel leaves green. [more...] [$]
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