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Pictures from “Die Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes
This is a large (folio, roughly A3 size) portfolio of individual sheets printed with many plates or engravings of architectural drawings of religious buildings. Each sheet is labeled with a book and chapter number; it looks like I have illustrations for books I and II, but since I have only the illustrations and not the text that’s about all I know.
Georg Dehio was an Estonian art historian and professor of art history in Königsberg. Gustav von Bezold was an architectural historian who directed the Nurenberg museum of German history.
Most sources say this book was published later than 1884 so it’s possible there’s an error on the cover (there’s no title page in the prints).
I bought this item from an awesome second-hand bookshop in Prague, Antikvariát Dlážděná.
A later edition is online at
Title: Die Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes
Published by: Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung
City: Stuttgart
Date: 1884
Total items: 4
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Front Cover, Die Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes
The front cover of this collection of architectural drawings is dated 1884. It measures approximately 16 by 12 inches. [$]
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