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A printer’s ornament, or, more likely, a calligraphic decoration. The name fleur-de-lys, or fleur-de-lis, may derive from the iris flower found on the banks of the River Lys in France, although the flower itself has had spiritual, religious and heraldic significance for much longer. This is a greatly simplified version, and with three unequal branches [...] [more...] [$]
53.19.—Decorative stylised tree
A printer’s ornament, or, more likely, a calligraphic decoration, in the shape of a small bush, tree or shrub. [more...] [$]
53.19.—Decorative stylised tree (embossed leather version)
A version of the tree symbol (originally taken from plate 53) which I embossed onto a leather book cover, to give an idea for a use for the image. [more...] [$]
53.27.—Decorative Border Motif
Perhaps this design was taken from a border in a calligraphic manuscript? [more...] [$]
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