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Goethe’s Works [Goethes Werke] (page 1/3)


Pictures from the First Volume of Goethes Werke, or the Works of Johann Wolfgang von Göthe [Goethe], illustrated by leading German artists, edited by H. Dünker, Stuttgart & Leipzig, printed by Deutsche Verlagsamstalt (formerly Ed. Hallberger).

These scans were kindly sent to me by Alexey Dombrovsky. Since German copyright, sa I understand it, is life plus 90 years for identified works, some of these images may in fact be under copyright; I have tried to identify the artists from their signatures where I can. Works by Adolf Schill (1848 – 1911) are now out of copyright, as are works by Franz Xavier Simm (1853 – 1918), and unidentfied works are probably out of copyright.

Title: Goethe’s Works [Goethes Werke]

Author: Dünker, H. (Ed.)

City: Stuttgard and Leipzig

Date: 1882

Total items: 22

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Titlepage from Works of Goethe]

Titlepage from Works of Goethe

Goethe’s Works, Illustrated by prime German artists; Edited by H. Dünker; First Volume. Stuttgart & Leipzig, [printed by] Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, formerly Ed. Hallberger. [more...] [$]

[picture: Decorative initial ``A'' with girl and roses]

Decorative initial “A” with girl and roses

A beautiful girl stands on, and holds, a ros biar. She has flowers in her hair and carries a flower-basket. A fancy capital letter ‘A’ is in the top right. This is [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Decorative initial letter O with cherubs]

Decorative initial letter O with cherubs

Two naked children—cherubs, or putti—are playing inside an initial letter “O” in the German Fraktur style. One boy uses a rope to pull on a decorative vertical part of the letter [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Decorative initial letter B]

Decorative initial letter B

An almost-naked young mang sits on a rock and plays a recorder or pipe in a forest; his dog sits next to him, and in the background a young woman approaches. There [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Persian-influenced Chapter Head Decoration]

Persian-influenced Chapter Head Decoration

This chapter-head contains items and design reminiscent of Persia; it was used over a poem about the lyre. The frame originally contained the name of the poem; its shape is very [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

animals art bare feet bees birds books borders bowls candlesticks cartici cartouches chapterheads cherubs children decorative elements dogs dresses emblems flowers foliated initials forests frames girls historiated initials initials insects lettera letterb lettere letterh letteri letterj letterk lettero letterv mermaids music musical instruments mythological figures nudity ornaments owls page images pens people persian art poetry portraits romance roses sculpture sun swans title pages vignetted initials women writing

Places shown:


Pictures from the First Volume of Goethes Werke, or the Works of Johann Wolfgang von Göthe [Goethe], illustrated by leading German artists, edited by H. Dünker, Stuttgart & Leipzig, printed by Deutsche Verlagsamstalt (formerly Ed. Hallberger).

These scans were kindly sent to me by Alexey Dombrovsky. Since German copyright, sa I understand it, is life plus 90 years for identified works, some of these images may in fact be under copyright; I have tried to identify the artists from their signatures where I can. Works by Adolf Schill (1848 – 1911) are now out of copyright, as are works by Franz Xavier Simm (1853 – 1918), and unidentfied works are probably out of copyright.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.