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When She Saw Tinyboy she hid her face shyly in her curlsdetails

[Picture: When She Saw Tinyboy she hid her face shyly in her curls]
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When She Saw Tinyboy she hid her face shyly in her curls

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“Let us see if anyone is at home here,” said the Butterfly, stopping at a large pink rose.

“Come out, Rose-lady!” she called, and out came the prettiest little lady you ever saw. She was dressed in soft pink silk, and her hair was yellow and fluffy. She came out smiling at the Butterfly, who was her friend, but as soon as she saw Tinyboy she hid her face shyly in her curls and ran back into her house. The Butterfly called and Tinyboy called, but she was too shy to come out again, so they had at last to fly away to another flower.

(p. 60)


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