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Blue Lettuce, Lactuca pulchella, DC.details

[Picture: Blue Lettuce, Lactuca pulchella, DC.]
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Blue Lettuce, Lactuca pulchella, DC.

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Other Enlish names: Showy Lettuce, Large-flowered Blue lettuce.
Other Latin names: Mulgedium pulchellum, Nut.; Mulgedium acuminatum, DC.; Sonchus pulchellus, Pursh.

Native. perennial, deep-rooted. Stems 2 to 3 feet, leafy below. Whole plant smooth and glaucous, filled with milky juice. Leaves vary variable, linear-lanceolate or oblong; entire, simply or runicately dentate, or pinnatifid; stem leaves less fivided and sessile. Flower heads nearly 1 inch across, pale blue, rather few, on scaly peduncles in a narrow panicle. [...]

Time of Flowering: June, July; seed ripe by end of July.

Propagation: By seeds and by fleshy running rootstocks.

Occurrence: Prairie Provinces and British Columbia. In moist ot sandy soil, particularly where there is some alkali.” (p. 65)



250 x 150mm (9.8 x 5.9 inches)

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719 dots per inch



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