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6.—Martyrs bound to the circumference of a great wheel, and rolled down a precipicedetails

[Picture: 6.—Martyrs bound to the circumference of a great wheel, and rolled down a precipice]
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6.—Martyrs bound to the circumference of a great wheel, and rolled down a precipice more

torture, nudity, bare feet, punishments, people, death, religion, machinery


Image title:

6.—Martyrs bound to the circumference of a great wheel, and rolled down a precipice

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
Please do not redistribute without permission, since running this site is expensive.


Sometimes Martyrs were bound to the circumference of great wheels, and so hurled from a height over stony places.” (p. 26)

The plate actually seems to show a naked man with his hands and feet bound by ropes at wrists and ankles to a cylinder or drum-shaped contrivance, with two other men about to push the whole contraption off the edge of a cliff or down a steep hill. The naked man is depicted with a cloth wrapped around his middle. In the background is a naked man or child, with a cloth cap, riding an eagle (or a statue of an eagle) and wielding a vegetable.



127 x 178mm (5.0 x 7.0 inches)

Place shown:


Added by Joshua on Thu Nov 6 12:09:08 2008

Amazingly wicked methodo of martyrdom.
I am writing a book about the martyrs of roman impire. I wonder if I may copy the text and picture on this site in my book... Thank very much.
Josue De Oliveira

Added by Liam on Thu Nov 6 16:45:02 2008

By all means use the text; it is out of copyright. The text of the first chapter is also online here.



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2400 dots per inch



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