Albeit the Worshippers of Devils were most often used to punish those condemned to death after binding them to stakes or crosses, yet it is found sometimes recorded of our Martyrs how that they were tied up to pillars or trees, or nailed to the same with nails, at the command of their tormentors, and so tortured.
Of pillars so used the Acts of sundry Martyrs as well as Eusebius bear witness. Then, lastly, there is the famous Pillar religiously preserved in the Basilica of St. Sebastian outside the Walls, which is believed in accord with ancient Christian tradition to be the very same whereto the said Blessed Martyr was bound and shot to death with arrows for confessing his faith in Christ.
Similarly of trees so employed the Acts of divers Martyrs, such as those of St. Zoé and of St. Paphnutius, do bear record.