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An heraldic dragon from the Geneva Bible New Testament Title Page. [$]
An heraldic dragon from the Geneva Bible New Testament Title Page. [more...] [$]
Cartouche or frame from title page of Concordance
This is the frame around the device (or trade-mark) of the printer Christopher Barker that was on the 1581 title-page of the Geneva Bible. It features trees and scroll-work and an oval central space. [more...] [$]
Title page detail: heraldic scrollwork
The concordance title page includes this cartouche with a boar’s head (rather like a chess-piece, on a crowned brick base, formally a “mural crown”) with a scroll coming from its mouth and at the bottom [...] [more...] [$]
This 1581 Geneva Bible is bound in full leather with gold tooling. [$]
Bookplate for 1581 Geneva Bible
The dot screening tells me this isn’t actually a very old book-plate (ex libris). My guess would be early 1900s. It is a crest with the name Huss, surmounted with the closed helmet of a lesser knight. [more...] [$]
Although I already had a photograph of the title page, it’s interesting enough that I wanted to add a 2400dpi scan. Notice the dragon! [more...] [$]
Title page, The Whole Booke of Psalmes
The title page from the book of psalms (with music) at the back of this 1581 Geneva Bible. I didn’t clean up this scan, so you can see the music showing through from the back a little. [more...] [$]
To The Reader: guide to reading early modern music
This is printed on the back of the title page of the Psalms, from 1581. It shows two staves with different clefs and the nmes of the notes that were in use in [...] [more...] [$]
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