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To The Reader: guide to reading early modern music more
This is printed on the back of the title page of the Psalms, from 1581. It shows two staves with different clefs and the nmes of the notes that were in use in the sixteenth century (Ut, Re, My, Fa, So, La, etc.).
Thou shalt understand (gentle Reader) that I have (for the helpe of those that are disirous to learne to sing) caused a new print of Note: Whereby thou mayest know, how to call every Note by his right name, so that with a very little diligence (as thou art taught in the Interoduction printed heretofore in the Psalmes) thou mayest the more easily by the viewing of these letters, come to the knowledge of perfect Solefaying: whereby thou mayest sing the Psalmes the more spedely and easely. The letters be these, V, for Vy. R. for Re, M. for My, F. for Fa. S. for Sol. L. for La. Thus where you see any letter joyned by the note, you may easily call him by his right name, as by these two examples you may the better perceive.
[staves here]
Thus I commit thee unto him that lyveth for ever, who graunt that we may sing with our hartes and mindes unto the glory of his holy name.
There is also a separate image for the Drop Cap “T.”