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Allegorien und Embleme, Vol II (page 1/2)

[picture: front cover, Allegories and Emblems]

Images from Allegorien und Embleme (Alegories and Emblems) (Volume II, [Heraldic] Emblems) by Martin Gerlach Senior(1846 – 1918).

I do not have a copy of this book but bought a set of page images; unfortunately the pages were not held very flat and the resolution is lower than I’d like, but copies of this book are incredibly expensive as far as I can tell (and volume I even more so).

Title: Allegorien und Embleme, Vol II

Author: Gerlach, Martin

Published by: Martin Gerlach

City: Vienna

Date: 1882

Total items: 9

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Ornate baroque-stye border with herubs and gryphons]

Ornate baroque-stye border with herubs and gryphons

This border is from the 1612 sign for the Nurenberg Guild of Carriage-Makers made by Adolf Mießner. [more...] [$]

[picture: Steampunk flying cog]

Steampunk flying cog

A cog with feathered wings, a steam-whistle, perhaps a regulator knob, and another unidentifiable part, flies through the clouds. [$]

[picture: Cherubs in the rain]

Cherubs in the rain

Originally a vignetted initial; here we have a design with three rectangles: on the left a rain-filled area dominated by an umbrella, and a lower leg with its bare foot and a bottom (not naked) protruding; the midele rectangle blank except for a shadow of the umbrella; the right-hand rectangle featuring a naked and anatomically detailed small child [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Initial Letter S with Frowning Tailor]

Initial Letter S with Frowning Tailor

An elderly man with a long goatee and a tall hat is threading a needle; he sits on top of an oversized thimble, next to a [more...] [$]

[picture: Guild of Carriage-Makers]

Guild of Carriage-Makers

This incredibly busy design is for the guild of carriage-makers (I think) in 1612. The border includes two scantily-clad women, six scantily-clad or naked small children, two gryphons, a bunch of baroque scroll-work, signs of a key and a pair of dividers (maybe?) and, in the centre of the busy frame, a seated lady holding a flag or banner in one hand [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

bare feet beards book covers borders boys butterflies cartici cherubs children clocks colour dancing frames full-page borders hats heraldry humour inhabited borders initials lettering letterr letters lettert letteru love machinery men music nudity page images people putti rain romance scissors scrollwork sewing shields steampunk tailors typography umbrellas victoriana vignetted initials wings women

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