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Guild of Carriage-Makersdetails

[Picture: Guild of Carriage-Makers]
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Image title:

Guild of Carriage-Makers

Taken from


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This incredibly busy design is for the guild of carriage-makers (I think) in 1612. The border includes two scantily-clad women, six scantily-clad or naked small children, two gryphons, a bunch of baroque scroll-work, signs of a key and a pair of dividers (maybe?) and, in the centre of the busy frame, a seated lady holding a flag or banner in one hand and a shield with an armorial bearing in the other. I think the sign on the shield is really the guild badge, with the rest being decoration. The badge includes dividers and compass, or possibly pincers for removing enemies’ toenails.

Emblems of the art-makers, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, nail makers, hewers, gunsmiths, sword-saws, Sporer, locksmith (modern)

Wappen der Kunstschlosser, Kupferschmiede, Hufschmiede, Nagelschmiede, feilhauer, Büchsenmacher, Schwertfeger, Sporer, Schlosser (modern)

Guild sign of carriage-makers in Nuremberg 1612

Zunftzeichen der Kutschenfabrer zu Nürnberg 1612

The full-page border is available without the central scene here.

Note: I used a photograph of the page rather than a scan, since I don’t own the book; the result is not as high resolution as usual for this site.


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Scanner dpi:

300 dots per inch



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