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Illustrations and extracts from Peter Parlay’s Annual from 1856.
Peter Parley was the nom de plume of Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793 – 1860) from Ridgefield, CT, USA.
Peter Parley Schoolhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA, has a Web site.
Title: Peter Parlay’s Annual
Date: 1856
Total items: 2
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
A bearded man in a tall hat and cravat, eighteenth or early nineteenth century leggings, and with a garland round his head reclines, one hand raised. Nearby, in the undergrowth and sitting on a rock, a short but well-muscled man, barefoot, naked but for a garland of flowers and leaves round his waist, holds a huge bowl. The small man wears a large [...] [more...] [$]
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