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Some illustrations from Gaskonští Kadeti, which is, Soldiers of Gascony, by Henri de Gorsse and Josaph Jacquin.
This is a Czech translation of the original French, Les Cadets de Gascogne, pubished by Hachette in 1905, in the swashbucking spirit of Cyrano de Bergerac and The Three Muskateers.
Henri de Gorsse (1868‒1936) was a very prolific French writer. He produced this book in the same year as one on the young Cyrano de Bergerac, also co-authored by Joseph Jacquin.
The edition that i have came from a trip to Prague, and was illustrated by H. Vogel, presumably Hugo Vogel (1855‒1934), German painter of historical scenes.
Title: Gaskonští Kadeti
Published by: F. Šimáček
City: Prague
Date: 1906
Total items: 6
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
This book cover is a grey-green buckram with gold lettering, and a red-and-black picture of cavaliers swashbuckling away at one another on a bridge with a blazing fire in the background. [more...] [$]
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