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A Short History of the English People (page 2/3)

[picture: Front Cover, A Short History of the English People]

Pictures from “A Short History of the English People” by J. R. Green M.A., Macmillan, 1902. This book was first published in 1874, and was very successful. I have the illustrated edition, which was edited posthumously by his widow; this is a reissue of the 1892 edition as far as I can tell from the Impressions page. John Richard Green was an English historian (1837 – 1883). I also have England by the same author.

Title: A Short History of the English People

Author: Green, J. R.

Published by: Macmillan

City: London

Date: 1902

Total items: 14

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front Cover, A Short History of the English People]

Front Cover, A Short History of the English People

Green buckram. My copy is bound in four separate volumes. [$]

[picture: Frontispiece: Map of England]

Frontispiece: Map of England

This 1902 map shows an England of over 100 years ago. It is attributed to Stanford’s Geographical Establishment. [$]

[picture: Title Page,  A Short History of the English People]

Title Page, A Short History of the English People

A Short History of the English People [more...] [$]

[picture: Coin of Æthelstan]

Coin of Æthelstan

King Æthelstan ruled England from A.D. 924 to 940. This coin is inscribed “ÆĐELSTANRE” on one side and possibly “BIORNEARDMOLONDCI” on the other. There is also a somewhat crude likeness of the king. [more...] [$]

[picture: Figure of Christ with Heathen Symbols.]

Figure of Christ with Heathen Symbols.

From barrow of Gorm and Thyra, Jutland.
Worsaae, “Industrial Arts of Denmark.” [more...] [$]

[picture: Silver Cup.]

Silver Cup.

From barrow of Gorm and Thyra, Jutland.
Worsaae, “Industrial Arts of Denmark.” [more...] [$]

[picture: A Banquet]

A Banquet

A medieval feast! Two people are seated behind a table laden with food; at either side a person (a servant or slave perhaps) kneels and hands food to one of the seated figures. Between the two seated figures (perhaps a king and queen) another person holds a goblet, or perhaps a flask of wine; whether this person is a servant [...] [more...] [$]

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