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Arches of Cloister of S. Aubin’s Abbey, Angersdetails

[Picture: Arches of Cloister of S. Aubin’s Abbey, Angers]
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Arches of Cloister of S. Aubin’s Abbey, Angers, in Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France more

ruins, pillars, arches, abbeys, occult, spooky, wallpaper, backgrounds


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Arches of Cloister of S. Aubin’s Abbey, Angers

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The Abbey of S. Aubin, founded in Merovingian times, seems to have been rebuilt by Geoffrey Greygown and Fulk the Black. “Only one huge tower remains, but fragments of it are still to be seen embedded in the buildings of the PreĆ©fecture—above all a Romanesque arcade, fretted with tangled imagery and apocalyptic figures of the richest work of the eleventh century” (“Stray Studies,” p. 369). This arcade, here figured, seems to have been part of the cloister.


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