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Lady and Youth Playing Draughts,details

[Picture: Lady and Youth Playing Draughts,]
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Image title:

Lady and Youth Playing Draughts,

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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A lady and a young man playing “draughts” from an early fourteenth century manuscript (MS. Roy. 2 B. vii).

It appears that two of the pieces differ from the others, leading me to suspect that this is not draughts as we know it. The youth is seated on the left, with his feet on a stool of some kind. He wears a long robe and a cape, but has a hint of a goatee. The lady is on the right, with a necklace. The board is five by six squares, so perhaps it is not carefully done, but only suggestive, or perhaps it is a very different game than today’s draughts or “checkers.”



65 x 47mm (2.6 x 1.9 inches)

Place shown:



Scanner dpi:

1600 dots per inch



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