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Leibourn Castle, Kent, Plate 1details

[Picture: Leibourn Castle, Kent, Plate 1]
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Leibourn Castle, Kent, Plate 1, in Leybourne, Kent, England more

castles, ruins, towers, people, trees


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Leibourn Castle, Kent, Plate 1

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Pub 10th Sept. 1784. by S. Hooper. R Godfrey Sc.

Leibourn Castle (Plate I.)

“This castle takes its name from the parish and manor of Laborne, or Leibourn, wherein it stands; and which is situated towards the middle of the western part of Kent, near the river Medway, and about a mile north of Town or West-Malling. Of this place Kilburn gives the following account: “Sir William Arsick (one of the eight chief captains of lieutenant-govenors of Dover Castle, in the time of William the Conqueror) was the owner of Leibourn; and in the same was a castle, of which the Lord Leibourn, an ancient and eminent family there, was owner. This parish ought anciently to have contributed towards the repair of the fifth arch of pier of Rochester Bridge.”


In 1750, when this view was taken, which represents the inside of the castle, very little of the old building remained, except some pieces of round towers, and the ancient door, or gate. By the foundations of the ruined walls, and the traces of the ditch, it appears, that this castle was not very large. The mansion, which seems of later date, was then covered into a farm-house.” (pp. 63 – 5)

The modern names are Layborne Castle or Laybourne Castle; it is in the parish of Leybourne in Kent. The extant ruins today date from the late 1200s (13th C.).

Philp Davis Web Page for Leybourne Castle

Wikipedia has more details.



155 x 105mm (6.1 x 4.1 inches)

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2400 dots per inch



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