...the beholder now looks down a narrow street, on each side of which here and there are dwelling-houses preserving their Elizabethan aspect, and at the further end of which, looming up like the background to a stage scene, stands, in all the grandeur of centuries of decay, the ancient East Gate of the town – all, indeed, that remains of a building ornamental [...] [more...]
[$]Front cover of “Warwick and Leamington”
All of the colour plates from this book are online here, including a higher-resolution version of the cover picture, Leycester Hospital. [more...]
[$]These buildings mostly date from the 1570s; the site previously belonged to the Guild of the Holy Trinity and St George which was formed in 1383. The BBC has a panoramic tour. This building has been used as a setting in a number of television films, including Pride and Prejudice. [more...]
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