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The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary (page 1/12)

[picture: Front Cover, Leland's Itinerary Vol I]

Page images from Volume One of Thomas Hearne’s 1745 edition of the Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary. There are nine volumes in all. I have scanned all of the pages in volume one that are part of the Itinerary, but not the preface, introductions and other items. The final page has errata.

If you like, you can help this project by emailing me (liam at holoweb dot net) all of the names you see (they are mostly in italics) on any given page, and I will add them so that people can find them more easily. Ideally I’d like to add the modern spellings too. As always, use a subject line like “itinerary 037 socks: green” of “itinerary 037 barefoot” so that you get past my spam filters. I get well over a thousand messages a day.

Title: The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary

Author: Leland, John (Hearne, Thomas, Editor)

Published by: Oxford University Press

City: Oxford

Date: 1745

Total items: 123

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Leland's Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 3]

Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 3

Milchebourn Kimoltoun
[Kimbolton] Castelle
Mandeviles, Erles of Essax Bouns, Erles of Hereford and Essax. Stratfords. Syr Richard Wingfeld [Kimbolton] Priory
Bigrams Coniers Castel Hylle
Barnewel Village
Berengarius Moynes Castel
Ramesey Abbay
Monteacute Carnabelle Stafordes, Staffordes Kymaltoun Laighton Village Lincoln Smithe [more...] [$]

[picture: Leland's Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 26]

Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 26

Baroby a Manor of a 80 Poundes by the Yere, a Mile from Grantham Grantham
Duke of Bedeford
Geffrey Paynelle
th Paynelles
the Castelle of Newport Painel in Buckinghamshire
Sir Rafe Painelle Vice-Chamberlaine to King.... and Constable of Bolingbrok Castelle
The Paynelles
Marteres Abbey in France
Older Sir Jon Painelle [...] died 1420
Elizabeth his wife
Sir Walter Painelle
Richard Paynelle
Geffrey Paynelle
Panelle, Custumer of Boston
Bawdey, a Gentilman of mene Landes dwellith at [Somerby] a Mile from Boutheby,
Burne Market
the Lord Wake
[more...] [$]

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book covers bookplates buildings colour heraldry page images title pages

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Oxford ·Oxfordshire ·none

Page images from Volume One of Thomas Hearne’s 1745 edition of the Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary. There are nine volumes in all. I have scanned all of the pages in volume one that are part of the Itinerary, but not the preface, introductions and other items. The final page has errata.

If you like, you can help this project by emailing me (liam at holoweb dot net) all of the names you see (they are mostly in italics) on any given page, and I will add them so that people can find them more easily. Ideally I’d like to add the modern spellings too. As always, use a subject line like “itinerary 037 socks: green” of “itinerary 037 barefoot” so that you get past my spam filters. I get well over a thousand messages a day.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.