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Page images from Volume One of Thomas Hearne’s 1745 edition of the Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary. There are nine volumes in all. I have scanned all of the pages in volume one that are part of the Itinerary, but not the preface, introductions and other items. The final page has errata.
If you like, you can help this project by emailing me (liam at holoweb dot net) all of the names you see (they are mostly in italics) on any given page, and I will add them so that people can find them more easily. Ideally I’d like to add the modern spellings too. As always, use a subject line like “itinerary 037 socks: green” of “itinerary 037 barefoot” so that you get past my spam filters. I get well over a thousand messages a day.
Title: The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary
Published by: Oxford University Press
City: Oxford
Date: 1745
Total items: 123
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Front Cover, Leland’s Itinerary Vol I
My copy is in nine leather-bound volumes. The bindings are loose, though, and the cover boards detached from most of the volumes. [$]
Bookplate from Leland’s Itinerary Vol I
My copy has this book-plate (ex libris) pasted inside the front cover. It has a family crest with the motto “Pour Y Parvenir” (just do it) and the name Louisa Julia Manners beneath it. This is the crest of the Manners family, with the peacock I think since the 14th century or before, although by the time an emblazon is this complex it must be [...] [more...] [$]
Sheldonian Theatre from Title Page
The engraving of the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford where the book was printed. The engraving appears on the title page of each volume. [more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 1
Cambridge; Eltesle Village
Pandonia the Scottish Virgine Hinshingbroke by Huntendune.
S. Neotes
Ainsbyri, En[ulphesbury
[more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 2
S. Neotes Stoughton Village
Olyver Leders Meilchbourn
Lord Westoun of S. Johnes College in London Milchbourn
Higheham Parke
How Village
Strikelands of Huntendune-Shire Bifeldes Higham Ferrars Market
Milchbourne in Bedfordshire
Welinton market
Avon ryver
[more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 3
Milchebourn Kimoltoun
[Kimbolton] Castelle
Mandeviles, Erles of Essax Bouns, Erles of Hereford and Essax. Stratfords. Syr Richard Wingfeld [Kimbolton] Priory
Bigrams Coniers Castel Hylle
Barnewel Village
Berengarius Moynes Castel
Ramesey Abbay
Monteacute Carnabelle Stafordes, Staffordes Kymaltoun Laighton Village Lincoln Smithe [more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 4
Barnewelle Oundale
Oundale Chirch Yard
Chirch or Chappelle of S. Thomas
Bridge over Avon
Avon Ryver
Robert Viate, a Marchaunt Oundall Churche [more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 5
Oundale Toun Ryver of Avon
Edmunde of Langeley Sun to Edward the 3. Northampton
De la Pray
King Edward the 4. Edmunde of Langeley Sun to Edward the 3. Fodringey [more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 6
Richard [grandfather of] Edward the 4. Hamptoun
King Henry the fiveth Battle of Agincourt
Pontefract Priory of Newen
Leghe Market in the Borders of Glocestershire
Richard Papcote Kinght Edward the 4 Erle of Cambrydge Priory of Newen by Leghe Market in the Borders of Glocestershire Fotheringey Richard Papcote Knight [more...] [$]
Leland’s Itinerary, Volume 1 Page 7
book: Æthiopum terras Richard Sapcote of Elton Knight Hundington-shire
Castele of Foderingey
Catarine of Spaine Edmunde of Langeley Edward the 3. Huntendunshir
Mr Sapcote Kirkham the Knight Owndale
Lilford Village
Thorpe water mill upon Avon
Watervilles Castle
Thrapeston Village
Lord Mordant Broune the Serinent at Law Sir Wistan Brounes Thrapeston bridg
[more...] [$]
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.