Title page, New Year’s Giftdetails

[Picture: Title page, New Year’s Gift]
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Image title:

Title page, New Year’s Gift

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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This scan shows the title page from the 1772 edition of John Leland’s New Year’s Gift, which was printed as a fac-simile (such as technology then allowed) of the original 1549 edition of John Bale.

My copy is bound in with The Lives of John Leland, Thomas Hearne and Anthony à Wood, and various other papers and documents.

The labor-
youse Journey & serche
of John Leylande, for Englandes
Antiquities, geuen of hym as a newe
years gyfte to Kynge Henry the
viii. in the. xxxvii. yeare of
his Reygne, with decla-
racyons enlarged:
By Johan bale.


To be sold in fletestrete at the signe
of the Croune next unto the whyte
Fryears gate.



130 x 235mm (5.1 x 9.3 inches)



Scanner dpi:

300 dots per inch



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