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Images and scanned pages from The Grammar of Heraldry by Samuel Kent, 1718.
I am in the process of scanning this book and transcribing it. Here is the full text of the book as far as I have done so far, together with links to the scanned pages.
Title: The Grammar of Heraldry
City: London
Date: 1718
Total items: 57
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Atkins of Saperton in Gloucestershire – Aylworth
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following:
Atkins of Saperton in Gloucestershire;
Atkinson of Stowel;
Dr. Francis Atterbury;
Audyn of Dorchester in Dorsetshire;
Awbrey of Glamorganshire;
Aylworth [more...] [$]
Badger of Hall-Place near Prestbury – Baskerville of Herefordshire
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following:
Badger of Hall-Place near Prestbury
Baker of Norfolk
The Bishoprick of Bangor
Barker of Fairford in [Gloucestershire]
Barnard of Upron-Leonard
Barrington of Essex
Barrow of Quodgley in Gloucestershire
Baskerville of Herefordshire
[more...] [$]
Basset of Uliegh in Gloucestershire – Belvale
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
The Rt. Hon. Charles Bennet. E. of Tankervile – Bevers of Hogsdo
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
Bevill of Cornwall – The Rt. Hon. George Booth, Earl of Warrington
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
Botereux of Cornwall – Bromwich
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
Brooke of Leicestershire – Bueleigh of Hampshire
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
Burninghill – The Arms of the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury
Coats of arms (family crests) for the following: [more...] [$]
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