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Summary of the Law, in golddetails

[Picture: Summary of the Law, in gold]
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Summary of the Law, in gold

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A full-page setting of a biblical quote, with a gilt (gold) page background and red, blue, green, black inks, with scrollwork, a border with crowned seraphs at the codners, and a sidebar in a frame and with a heading reminiscent of Victorian gothic revival architeture.

The large writing is in a blackletter style, sometimes called Church Blacletter or Gothic, but it is engraved, not printed from movable type.

The large writing here is the Summary of the Law:

Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all they heart and with all thy Soul and with all they Mind.

This is the first and great Commandment. And the second is like unto it

Thou shalt love they neighbour as theyself.

On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.

The two quoted sentences are from Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18

In the first century, as now, the Jewish people in Palestine were particularly unpleasant to their neighbours. back then it wsa the Samaritans. So underlying the text here was the idea that the people of the time did not follow the principle behind their laws.

The sidebar gives the ten commandments, a commonly-quoted passage that is not in fact referred to by the main passage, and was long since superseded.


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1736 dots per inch (approximately)



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