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Gable End, Shrewsbury.details

[Picture: Gable End, Shrewsbury.]
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Gable End, Shrewsbury.

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The gable-end post is at one end of the roof; this one has a figure, probably female, on the top, standing on a face, with a coiled rope carved beneath that, and a smiling bearded man’s face at the bottom.

The house in the Market Square at Shrewsbury (facing this page), of which a fac-simile reproduction from William Twopeny’s drawing, together with a gable-point and detail of the verge-board (on this page), is given, is, like another detail of similar kind (page 10), entirely Gothic, late, it is true, but without the slightest taint of the Renaissance. As such they belong, most likely, to the first quarter of the sixteenth century. (p. 20)


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