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Pictures from The Everyday Book and Table Book, by William Hone, 1826, London.
The illustrations are probably by George Cruikshank.
There is also an entry in the Nuttall Encyclopædia for William Hone and another for George Cruikshank.
The book has been scanned entirely and low-resolution page images of the full book are online hosted by Google.
Title: Hone’s Everyday Book
City: London
Date: 1826
Total items: 39
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Aquarius, or, the Water Bearer.
“The sun enters Aquarius on this day [21st January], though he does not enter it in the visible zodiac until the 18th of February. [more...] [$]
“— — Then came cold February, sitting
In an old waggon, for he could not ride,
Drawne of two fishes, for the season fitting,
Which through the flood before did softly slyde
And swim away; yet had he by his side
His plough and harnesse fit to till the ground,
And tooles to prune the trees before the pride
Of hasting prime did make them burgeon round. Spenser.” (p. 195) [more...] [$]
Awaiting the postman on Saint Valentine’s Day
St. Valentine’s day, the 14th of February (US: February 14)
“Where can the postman be, I say?
He ought to fly—on such a day!Of all days in the year, you know,
It’s monstrous rude to be so slow:
The fellow’s so exceeding stupid—
Hark!—there he is!—oh! the dear Cupid!” (p. 215)
The woodcut (signed S.W. and T.W., probably artist and engraver respectively) shows a man wearing a top hat and riding a donkey, blowing a bugle or trumpet; he is arriving a a house with an open door and window, out of which several ladies anxiously peer. A boy dances outside [more...] [$]
“—Sturdy March with brows full sternly bent
And armed strongly, rode upon a ram,
The same which over Hellespontus swam;
Yet in his hand a spade he also hent,
And in a bag all sorts of weeds ysame,
Which on the earth he strewed as he went,
And fill’d her womb with fruitfull hope of nourishment. Spenser.” (p. 311) [more...] [$]
Showing how men dressed in the fourteenth century. [$]
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