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Awaiting the postman on Saint Valentine’s Daydetails

[Picture: Awaiting the postman on Saint Valentine’s Day]
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Image title:

Awaiting the postman on Saint Valentine’s Day

Taken from


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St. Valentine’s day, the 14th of February (US: February 14)

Where can the postman be, I say?
He ought to fly—on such a day!Of all days in the year, you know,
It’s monstrous rude to be so slow:
The fellow’s so exceeding stupid—
Hark!—there he is!—oh! the dear Cupid!” (p. 215)

The woodcut (signed S.W. and T.W., probably artist and engraver respectively) shows a man wearing a top hat and riding a donkey, blowing a bugle or trumpet; he is arriving a a house with an open door and window, out of which several ladies anxiously peer. A boy dances outside the house; at left a young man gazes on in earnest hope from around the corner; two birds (pigeons?) fly past, gazing at one another. A scene of love and romance, of angst and worry, of hopes and fears!



103 x 88mm (4.1 x 3.5 inches)

Place shown:


Added by Cristin on Fri Feb 5 03:45:21 2010

Is not a horse, is a donkey!!!!!
Thanks for your beatyfull site :-)

Added by Liam on Fri Feb 5 22:43:00 2010

You are right, thank you! I have corrected the description.



Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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